Thursday, November 29, 2018

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?


Learning a new language is good for folk and study overseas language is thriving people knowledge globally. Some conquerors think that is good for pupils to begin teaching a foreign language at primary school rather than the high school. Lets see the pros and cons of that statement.

To commence with, there are several advantages to learning an overseas language at primary school. Primary pupils have great catchup power, so they can learn easily, and another one thing that it is useful when people are going to a foreign country, and they are complete their study without onerous. For instance, my friend was studying in an English medium school, so he knows the English language, and after completed 10th standard he and his family went to the USA, and he continued his studies and complete high school education without any difficulties.

Subsequently, Overseas language is also useful on a trip or tourist. If people learn other country languages from primary school, when they turn into adult age, they can go to other countries for a trip without communication fear. For example, when people go to another country then communication is big problems they cannot know other country languages, so that time they face arduous and hire a translator.

Notwithstanding, the Primary school cannot opt which language should be taught to pupils because there is a huge amount of languages is available, so they cannot predict which foreign language is best for students. For example, some pupils want to go to french for their graduate degree, so they need to learn the French language. While, others want to go to Russia, and they need to study the Russian language, so the primary school cannot foretell which students need to study which language.

To conclude, The advantages override the drawback of it is better for students to start learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school because learning a new an overseas language is useful to folk and also make them astute.

Many people prefer to spend money and not save it. what are the reasons? Is this a positive or negative development?


In this modern era, To enjoy and live a luxurious lifestyle, money is mandatory. Sundry folk opts to spend money rather than preserve it. There are several rationales to spend the money and that reasons are mention below.

Firstly, The vital purpose to splurge is enjoying life because  God has given a wonderful life only one time, so people have to savor their lifestyle, otherwise, their lifestyle is jejune. Folk can spend money on a trip like pupils can go for a school trip, the couple can go on the honeymoon trip, and so on. Another reason is a people want to live an opulent lifestyle this means people spend their income on buying a luxurious car, smartphone, smart T.V, etc. For instance, my friend is a working in Infosys Company, and his salary is 50000RS per months, but after every 6 months he brings the latest smartphone of apple company, so he likes to use the latest smartphone and also passionate.

Secondly, Research says that people who spend more money they can earn more, so this means to fulfill their requirements, peeps can achieve more amount. If folk can spend cash and acquire more, it is good for the economy of the nation. Nation economic swell when money more transfer to each other, and also society will develop.

To conclude, Expend money is good for national development and economic, so it is a positive development, Because people spend more money on the product then companies get more benefit and companies has to pay tax to the government, so it is good for the country.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Companies use a variety of methods to improve the sales of their products.

Companies use a variety of methods to improve the sales of their products.

What are those methods? Which is the most effective method?


In this modern epoch, Manifold companies are developing and also enhances the competition, so it is onerous to trade their product. However, a sundry strategy is available for sales and advertisement of their products.

Firstly, There are several techniques are handy for companies to sales their items. In today world internet is customary for folk, therefore, companies can give ads on the internet of their product to advertisement company like Google Adsense, Infolinks, and so on, so people can aware about their latest product, and also they can buy the product online. For instance, MI Smartphone company give ads on social media and selling a smartphone online on e-commerce websites like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. Moreover, the Internet is a facile and effective way for Marketing because at the lowest cost the company can do vending.

Secondly, Television is another way for companies to promote their product because from primary schools pupils to old age peeps are watching T.V quotidian, so television is a capable approach for marketing all types of products. Thirdly, companies can do the advertisement for their item through a newspaper, and a newspaper is a fruitful plan for publicizing the products, but it is cannot apt because everyone is not reading a newspaper. since a smartphone as adopted newspaper function, so people are read the news in their smartphone. Furthermore, In smartphone folk get instant latest news over the world.

To conclude, companies have to use internet marketing to ameliorate the sales of their items, and it is the best and effective strategy because throughout internet ads everybody aware of their product and company can sell their product.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology is now replacing their functions.

Maintaining public libraries is a waste of money since computer technology is now replacing their functions.

To what extend do you agree or disagree?


Libraries are a peaceful place to study for students. Desktop technology is now replacing libraries functions, so preserving public libraries is a squander of wealth. I defy that to keep public libraries is a waste of cash even the computer technology is now supersede their functions, and behind this disagreement, my following reasons mentioned below.

Firstly, In this modern era, computer technology not only have libraries functions, but it also has other functions like game, video player, Music, etc. So while studying with a computer it can be diverted folk mind to use other functions, and they can't focus on study. Howbeit, libraries are the best area to study because in libraries can't change people brain to the other activity. For instance, pupils are studying on the computer after some time their mode swap to other activity like watching a movie, listening song, and so on.

Secondly, Libraries is a foremost part for study continuously 3-4 hours rather than a computer because peeps can't see constant 3-4 hours on a computer screen, its rays are perilous to the human eye, and perhaps a headache. Furthermore, everyone is not wealthy so all people can not buy a computer for them libraries is entails, and in libraries, people get some extra general knowledge. For example, when a people go to libraries they read the first newspaper, so they get daily news, and if anyone doesn't understand the topic and he/she can ask his/her friends to help.

To conclude, Computer Technology is now overriding the libraries function, but conserve public libraries is not a waste of money because to well-study for pupils libraries outweigh computer.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Some people think it is more beneficial to play sports that are played in teams, e.g. football.

Some people think it is more beneficial to play sports that are played in teams, e.g. football. However, some people think it is more beneficial to play individual sports, e.g. tennis and swimming. 

Discuss about both views and give your own opinion.


some folk believes it is more advantageous to play sports that are played by in teams, e.g. cricket, football and so on, and other people think it is more beneficial to play a single player game, e.g. tennis and swimming. My perspective is playing sports in a team is better than playing individual because teamwork is a key to success.

Team sports games are more popular than particular player games, and also team players earn a huge amount. Peeps are love to watch team sports games on a T.V live or stadium like cricket, football, etc and these type of games are more curious than individual games. In playing a team, players can recover or shun a particular player mistake, so it is a benefit to the whole team. For instance, In cricket, India team opening batsman failed to hit the runs then an upcoming player may be cover the runs or hit the runs and victory game. Furthermore, In Team sports games one player perhaps change the whole game, and that can advantage go to the team.

Notwithstanding, Individual sports games are arduous to prevail game because on blunder can be lead to lose the match. But it is good for prowess people because they are not dependent on others like team games. For talent folk, it easy to victory over the rival on the one-to-one game rather than a team game. Moreover, one player game there is an only one winner, so we can easily say he is master of the game. For example, In Olympic 1000 meters race Bolt Husan is a winner of 2017 and he his the fastest person of the world.

To Conclude, Team players games are outweighed than single players games because in the team games players get spirit from another player, and they support each other. Forbye, one player mistake can be covered by other players, so team games are not difficult as individual games.